Love existing in photographs

Love existing in photographs


Ben and Julia's Big Day

I am so grateful to have spent the day with these people! The grace with which this bride, Julia, handled herself on a day that can be so wonder Ben is so madly in love with her! I could see and feel how much people love these two and the closeness between her and the bridesmaids was so adorable! Ben's dad, Bob, officiated and gave a wonderful Bible-based talk about marriage and love! The weather was lovely, even if the wind almost blew us away while doing wedding party photographs...It was a perfect day!
The bride's family

The groom's family


I met up with these 2 handsome boys (and their lovely parents, of course) in Florence today. I have had the privilege of working with them for years now and I love seeing these little sweeties grow! We had fun just running all over the place this morning and the weather was perfect!