Love existing in photographs

Love existing in photographs


The Day the Damsels Went Out To the Desert...

Once upon a time, a damsel was looking for adventure...

However,  her train seemed as though it would never arrive. She grew bored, but a speckled horse with a pink mane happened by...


Jenna, the horse, took her on an exhilarating ride thru the desert.
Then Jenna gently came to a stop and let her down. Out of the bushes wandered a miniature pony. What a cute little fluffy treat!

As he was leaving, a sweet little rabbit popped out to give her a snuggle...

What an adventure she had in the desert. It was so lovely and bright and the sun felt warm. Her contentment and joy was just overwhelming! She no longer felt the need to search for something new. Life, as it is, was just the adventure she was hoping for!

(My deepest thanks to all you beautiful damsels who came out to the desert to play with us this past Saturday! Also my sincere gratitude to Yvie Erwin, Theresa Pierson, Hani Harcourt, Megan Johnson, Tammy Billyard, Jacquline Akin and Breanna Weston for your support to make this event such a success!)