Love existing in photographs

Love existing in photographs


Family mini sessions!

Is it that time again?
Have your kiddos grown feet since your last one?
Tada photography is having family mini sessions
January 14th!
*These are relaxed 1/2 hour photo sessions in a gorgeous outdoor setting. Call or email to book your appointment!
$40 sitting fee covers the session and all editing time and talent plus one free 5x7!
Heather Weston
check out my website...



Newbies are the best!

I love doing newborns and thanks to Brandie Knaggs of Crochet Chalet on Etsy, I have lots of great props to use these days! I had 2 little girlies to work with this past week! Little London was just 6 days old...

And next is little Allison who is almost 1 month old and the cutest little chub-bucket you've ever seen!

So, great week for me!


Marionette Madness!!!

The Marionette Sessions were a hit! We had 16 girls! Here are a few of the gorgeous images...
many thanks to Kelly Mejia and Jenny Walker for all your help!


Flashback to the 50's!

The retro session for the 50's was sooooo much fun! I can't wait to schedule our next one. The ladies were great about wardrobe and creativity and THANK YOU JENN WALKER for the help with makeup and costume! Here are a few images:
What made 50's women so special, so hot? Here are a few examples I've got...

They were fab-u-lous cooks!
They read lots of books!

They had lots of great hair!
They knew just what to wear!
Now, if you desire to look retro cute...
You just have to sign up for our next 50's shoot!
(To see more, go to my website: and look in the galleries at the retro sessions)


Yum, Yum, Yummmmmmm!

A little free buzz for my buddies at "Cups Full of Cake"! We had fun doing this little advert shoot and we happened to have the cutest little taste-tester ever! His look says it all...


K, Hani is sooooo sweet. Perfect hugs, a huge smile and gorgeous too!


Vote now!

We are submitting an image of these triplets to a contest! Which do you think we should send in?



Okay, this was an assignment...I am not self-absorbed! I really hate pics of myself, but I got to doctor them up pretty good before posting! :o)


Bre Bre in action!

Okay, I hope you will love these photos as much as I love this little lady! She is smart, beautiful and spiritual! She is amaaaaaazing! We had so many giggles along the way, but got some great shots! Check em out! Email me to schedule your portraits or schedule me as a gift for someone you love! I am the gift that keeps giving! :o)

Puppy Peeps!

We recently did something super-fun at a ranch nearby! We had open sessions with kiddos who love puppies, turtles, chickens and horses! It was so and animals, a winner! These were a few of the images...To get in on our next open session, email me at . I am planning our next one and it will include horseback riding at sunset!